Kukis Genealogy Homepage
This is a work in progress. I have done a fairly good genealogy of our family, taking it as far back as I think I can. Id love to get pictures from some of you and comments about others in our family. I dont want to have a huge number of pictures, but one or two for each person would be nice.
Photosets from Cleveland 50 Year Anniversary
Dinner at Linda's House 12/27/07
Visiting Houses Where we used to Live 12/28/07
Lunch 12/28/07
Gravesite Viewings 12/28/07
50th Year Anniversary Photos 12/28/07
Party at Gale's House 12/29/07
This is an excellent Photo Show of the Anniversary Photos:
http://photoshow.comcast.net/watch/Hm4XN6wn (there are hundreds of photos of the 50 year anniversary celebration and they are a slideshow presentation).
Family Albums (so far, just David's)
Kukis Genealogies HTML PDF WPD
Peter Edward Kukis DOC
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